Hi, I'm Lauren!

Sales Consultant & Coach 

For Service-Based Entrepreneurs 



My superpower is helping you make money for the things you love doing by getting in front of more people and selling in a way that feels good to you and your potential clients so they love buying from you, creating loyal clients that refer more clients.
After 20 years of sales experience I've created a Sales Technique & Framework that's based on authenticity, connection and ethical selling to help entrepreneurs scale their business in a way that feels good, creates impact, and makes money in a sustainable way.
I don't believe in cookie-cutter solutions. That's why I create customized, results-driven sales strategies tailored specifically to your unique values and business goals. I'll be by your side, supporting you every step of the way, to ensure those strategies turn into actual results.
Are you ready to sign more clients?
Let's have a chat and explore how I can help you bring in more ideal clients, make more impact, and have more fun while growing your business.
Book Call Here


Effortless Selling: How to Confidently Sell Without Feeling Salesy 

🔮💵 For service-based Soulpreneurs who want to get paid for doing the thing they love without feeling salesy when you're selling your services. You’ll walk away feeling completely shifted around how you think about sales getting you into making offers.

Get Instant Access Here


⭐️ My superpower is helping you make money for the things you love by selling in a way that's a win/win for everyone making it so you enjoy selling, your clients enjoy buying and it leads to a sustainable business based on loyal clients who refer more clients.

➡️ After 20 years of sales and marketing experience and being a top performer...

➡️ Developing Sales trainings for corporations and in the personal brand space…

More About Me

Lauren taught me how to sell from my heart, how to connect with potential clients in a way that feels right. I learned how to align my energy with my offer to make it irresistible to the clients that were meant to work with me.

- Kelly

Lauren teaches you how to trust yourself, so that memorizing a script isn’t necessary. She helps us create an inner confidence that radiates out to clients.

- Helena

Lauren creates a safe space to really get to the heart of your why and knowing what your clients resonate with in order for you to create an offer that is not only in alignment with your clients, but also with you.

- Nicole