Hello there rebels souls. I am so excited to be here with you in this very moment. In fact, I feel the essence of who I am this alignment right now perfectly coming through as I sitting down to record this first episode it actually almost brings me to tears and if you hear me getting emotional, it's just because this is just the pure alignment of life unfolding and that's what this podcast is really all about is getting to this place where you are being led and like I'm almost giddy right now of how easy things can be when you're really tapped into that part of you. So I literally have been dreaming of this moment for so long. Okay, the tears are definitely coming you guys. I guess at this point it's been like probably like nine years ago. I would be driving to work every day and I had a like a 45 minute commute back and forth from North counties to San Diego and I would be listening to podcasts and for me, the podcast was it was like a breath of fresh air. It was like the time in the day where I was able to just plug into this place of possibilities. Because I knew at that point I did not know even what a life coach was. I did not know I was meant to be coach. I didn't know what was going to end up here. But I knew that there was a part of me in my soul that I was a calling that I was meant for more. And a podcast seemed like my thing. And so I set my mind on becoming a podcaster and I saw myself and I would listen to I would have so many people that I would follow and see them not only be podcasters but coaches and have programs and have, you know signature programs and I like one of that too. And so it's just so fun to be here nine years later on this journey of that actually being my reality. Of not only having my own podcast, and this is my second one if you guys have not caught my first one with my business bestie Jen Navarro it was called spiritual bullshit. It was amazing. It's still out there to check it out. But I always knew I was gonna have a solid one. So this right now feels very intimate. It feels very different. It feels like it's completing this part of me that I knew it was meant to be. And my guess is that if you're listening to this, you can relate and there's something inside of you there is what you would probably call your calling, your soul's purpose that thing that you just know you're meant to be and maybe it's very clear, and you know exactly what that is. Or maybe you're on the beginning of the journey and you're just trying to figure out what that actually is. And so either way, I'm here in wherever you're at. I've been there and I really want this podcast and each episode in this journey, be something that we go on together to really explore this part of you, your soul, which I call soul consciousness, which is your intuition, which is source which is God which is a part of you which is not the mind. And inside of that part of you is the actual path and the easy the path of least resistance and when you learn how to tap into this part of you, that knows the way that is your essence. It's through your desires and you can learn to trust it and take action through it. Then everything will come to fruition everything will happen everything that you can desire, everything you can think of and I know because I am living proof I am and I don't know if you guys can hear you might be able to hear in the background that some maybe some birds chirping I am actually I'm gonna I'm gonna take a picture and post this in the show notes. So go check out the show notes of my view right now. I am literally sitting on my bed with a little desk in front of me and I'm looking at a jungle and I'm currently in Mexico. For those who may not know me, maybe this is you're new to my podcast. I am currently going through a little phase in my life where I am a kind of a digital nomad slash now. Kind of staying in Sayulita, Mexico for a few months. And this will be a whole other episode. I'm not going to go into how I got here. But ultimately, it was a result of following that soul consciousness by intuition and I am living a life of freedom. I wake up I go on the beach every day. I'm meeting amazing friends. I'm having so much fun dating I'm literally have my dream clients and making the money I want I have the program I want. I'm doing my souls work. I'm freaking here. I'm finally here in this moment and this is what I want for you and this is exactly why and I see now why this podcast could not have happened before this because I wasn't that person. So I'm so excited to not only take you on the journey behind the scenes in my life, but also bring to you the tools and the strategies and what I've done as well as bring on some of the top leaders changemakers rebel souls in the industry to help you see what they've done. To. am so blessed to be here in this moment, but let me be honest with you all it was a lot of ups and downs to get here right it was not all rainbows and daisies or like I'm saying right now beach watching beach walks and margaritas there was a lot of resistance up and downs a lot of things I had to get over and in this path of getting here I've actually became a self sabotage expert because I was the queen of sabotaging myself and the thing that really gets in our way is the mind right so a huge part of this podcast is going to be helping you guys really learn how to not only tap into that soul consciousness and learn how to trust it and navigate from there. But the other piece of the puzzle is actually learning how to manage your mind and the programming that is getting in the way and when you can learn how to use your not only your conscious mind and your subconscious mind, but merge it with your soul conscious and they all work together because they have to work together. The mind has to be on board with the soul consciousness because it's going to self sabotage and it comes up in the form of fear and resistance. And you guys we're going to do a lot of episodes about how to get out of that right. And, and so important that you understand that there are different levels in when you're only looking or using one part of our toolkit right so I'm going to introduce you to you this is the first concept I'm so excited if you have been in any of my courses or coaching programs this is one of the core things I teach, and it's called levels of consciousness. So I want you to picture a triangle. And there's like, basically three sections in this triangle. There's like the top and it's kind of like you can think about like the tip of it is your consciousness. And this is just what your mind right? This is what we see. This is what is going on. It's our thoughts. It's our it's the conscious world that we are viewing. It's where our awareness is it's actually where our power is in the consciousness. Then one step below our conscious mind is our subconscious now this is really where our programming is, this is where 95% This is on repeat. This is where our identity our subconscious beliefs, where our what and what I talked about is emotional codings This is where the emotions store why something feels real is because a feeling is attached to it. And so when you can learn how to remove the emotional coating that is programmed in there, then it gives you so much more freedom to break free and we're gonna want to get I will break this down. We're going to talk about this so much more but I just want you to understand that you are probably aware that there is a conscious level of thinking a subconscious level of thinking, but there is a third part which is called soul consciousness and the soul consciousness. This is where your intuition, your inner voice. This is like the non physical part of us. This is also God source. This is we there is a piece of us that is a creator that is inside of us it is God, whatever you want to use it and you guys this is definitely going to be a little bit of a woowoo spiritual podcast and I want you just to go with what feels comfortable. There's so many different ways and labels to put to talk about this level of us and go with what feels right for you. But when you can realize that we are not our minds. We are not our programming we are deeper than that we are the soul consciousness that is God which is the creator and when we can leave and learn how to tap into that part of you and learn how to take guidance from that. That is when everything gets good. Now in order for it to work, right because I see it so many times where people they were like, Oh, I understand my intuition. They get it they they they start understanding that there's this move out there maybe they understand the law of attraction, but actually having the knowledge and understanding how to embody it and live it is two different things. And that's really what I am a specialist at is taking things deeper and not just talking about alignment and talking about the inner voice and talking about how what it is but learning how to body it so it's who you are. That part of you that soul consciousness is your essence. And so often I see especially in the personal development, growth, growth world that we're talking about this future self or that you're like, oh, I have to become this person or I'm becoming this person. And I actually think that's bullshit and this future concept of the future self I think robs us of our power now. Because what we all have to understand is that when we can tap into that full consciousness, which is the truth of who we are, we are already that person. We have to learn how to embody that person as if we are this person right now. So it's not something that we have to become. It's something that we are we are and the more that we can shift our emotions and our feelings in the moment. As if we are already that person and living as that person. Then you are it right and once again, we'll do deep episodes on how to actually do that the process of actually shifting right and you might I like to joke about this where I call it like you can want something and you could think something but if you don't actually believe it or know it or feel it in your body, it's not going to become real. And I call this like smoking hopium right. And so, I always give the example of when I was working with a very well known coach and I was trying to make my first $100,000 And, you know, we were meeting you know, week after week and she's like, you don't really believe you can make 100k And I was like I do believe I do believe and I'm like sitting there and I'm crying and she like screams and like slams her fist down and was like That's bullshit because if you really believed, then you wouldn't be working for other coaches. You wouldn't be doing like listed all my actions and in that moment I was like, Holy fuck, you're right. I don't really believe. Right? And this is what we're talking about and so much it's like, we want to believe and we want to do the affirmations and there's so many tools out there but there's this deeper layer that we have to break through so that our mind our programming, which is our emotions, which is the thing that needs a real is aligned as well as is aligned to the truth of who we are. And so that's that's the work right? That's what I can't wait to continue to dive into deeper. And when you can learn that in this is what I see so much in the in this podcast all about doing things differently. Right. So my first 18 months of being a coach. I was just purely using my conscious and subconscious right so I was doing a whole lot of thought work a whole lot of mindset work. At that point. I was even understanding a little bit about like identity and stuff, but it was just concepts to me. And when I was in this phase of my business what this look like right and maybe you can relate to this is that I was trying to get the results right. I was just I really wanted the $100,000 so that I could feel like I was a coach and I was paying a really well known coach $25,000 to help me actually basically I didn't know how and so I was looking for the how I just wanted somebody to come in and tell me exactly what to do and then I would do it right. And so what I learned, right is that when you do that when you go looking for the answers and you listen to what other people are going to do, you're going to maybe end up in a place that is not authentically you and so I listened to this coach and and by the way, this coach is amazing. And she's a top leader, but I didn't listen to my intuition. I gave my power away by thinking that they knew and I think that we all kind of fall into this trap in the beginning around picking niches and making sure that we're picking niches that can make money and so I picked a niche just for the money just for for thinking that hey, this is what people need, and it wasn't the right fit. Now granted, I learned so much and I'm so glad that happened to me and I wouldn't be who I am now be able to teach what I do but because I actually made a significant amount of money in a niche. That was for the wrong reasons. And it felt really hard and it felt like checking boxes off of a list and I was just emailing you know, and ultimately when I look back it was like why am I doing all this stuff? Why do I have the emails Why do I have the funnel? Why do I have these things? I'm doing it it was because my coach had told me so because I thought that was the way and I had this kind of like moment where I luckily was able to after six months kind of like changed directions and had this like moment where I gave myself permission to walk away and like you know like I always like to joke that when I left that coach, I felt like I was going through a breakup because I had visions for my life of like what it would look like to work with her and, you know, be on her podcast and like have this vision and when I realized my business wasn't gonna look like that. There was a lot of sadness, but there was also a lot of relief. And I gave myself like, three weeks just to take time off. And in this time I binge read watched six seasons of Game of Thrones. And at the end of it, I was like, Okay, what do I really, really want to do? And I tweaked my niche just a little bit and I put an offer out there in one week. I signed three clients and made $10,000 And that was my first five figure month and I was like wait, there is something to this what's going on and in the year after that I just I actually didn't really have any coaches. I just kind of went on this like soul path of like following what felt right and was ultimately led to really learning of not only how to find my inner voice but trust it and then actually follow it and now the way I build my business is very different. I am able to flow I'm able to trust I don't have to. I'm not worried about you know, funnels or emails is just this knowing because I'm just continually listening to the guidance inside which is leading to me all up to these inspired ideas and the inspired ideas turned into amazing clients and it really is so simple and I hear this all the time. Where it's like trying to follow the rules trying to follow the book. And like do what other people do was actually confusing people and like so many of my clients, especially my clients right now going through my hell yes offers are seeing that they're making things so complicated because they're trying to do what other people are doing or because they were told a certain way and I did the same thing, right, especially with my niche where this bullshit where it's like, you can only pick a niche that like makes, you know is in health, wealth or relationships. But that's so bullshit. By the way, there's actually one more category that you can fit into and that's desire. People buy from desire, and there's pretty much anything that can fit in desire. And once again, that's another whole topic, like talking about niches. So, you know, I give you this as because I'm going to spend a little bit of time I want to give you guys some more examples. about doing things differently right because our brain really likes evidence right? Like it needs to look and has examples of things that are possible and that when we are keeping ourselves in the same circles are doing the same things over and over and getting rich not getting results which is literally insanity. We have to be willing to do things different and it was literally the scariest thing for me to change my way of doing business instead of leading from my mind and like following other people making the switch into learning how to really go inside and know that I have the answers and really develop a very, very deep relationship with the soul consciousness. This God part of me that has all the answers and since I've been listening to that, it's been so much fun and so much easier to build my business. So here's two little stories I just want to tell you to like give your brain proof right like, I want you guys when you're listening to this podcast, like be open to seeing things different and doing things different. So one, like one of my favorite stories is that last year in 2021 I was doing my second launch of my signature program, effortless sales. And it just felt like I had this whole launch plan. It was all planned. Oh, I had like at that point. I had a team of five helping me were like in ramp up. And I was just exhausted. I felt exhausted. And one night I remember like, day cry. It was like literally middle of the day. I remember like crying in my bed. And I was just like so tired and I was so overwhelmed. And I was like on the phone with my bestie Emily and she's like what do you really want to do and I just had this moment of like, I just want to rest and this is kind of newer in my journey of like really trusting the inner voice. I had some experience but it still felt really scary. At this point. And so I was like, I really need rest. And so I made the decision to actually stop my launch. And at that moment I didn't really know my plan yet so I just decided to stop it and then when we group in a couple of days and so I told everybody I was like listen, this is not happening. I'm actually not going to launch effortless sales like I need a break I'm gonna take a break and I took a break in that week of taking a break and literally doing very little and probably going to the beach and like riding my bike and blowing my bubble gun and like doing the fun things. I signed three clients and made like $22,000 right like in Granite like I had had offers was doing things a week leading up but it was a week that I stopped and was like no this is going to be okay and like I in something literally my inner voice was like so clear like don't do anything like just that. Just trust don't do anything. Money. came in and I was like okay, I see there's like really is something in this and so, right the more that I listened, the more I see and then after that had a great launch. The other thing another example is this podcast like creating this podcast. Okay, so this is a great story, right? Like our mind, I was like okay, I want to have a lunch that is either the fourth or the 11 and then it looked like it was going to be more like the 11th of April. And I gave myself like a whole month to do it. And I hired like a podcast coach who was amazing. You check her out. Her name is Kara got Warner. I'll like hook up her podcast below and have like a graphic team and my bestie and like Jen Navarro has been helping you guys. I have so much support to like put out this podcast and I had so much time I've just been sitting in Mexico. Well, let's be honest, I'm still working and I just launched a new offer but I have lots of space. And the first week I made some progress. But then week two and week three of the month I gave myself it was just crazy resistance. Like I was just spinning out when I'm like I don't know what I do. Just like all of this shit came up. I was like oh my gosh, like what's going on? So I once again went in, and I was like Okay, anyways, like intuition guide me what do I need? And they're like, just don't do anything. Just stop. Don't try to force right. And this is so counterintuitive of our mind be like, Well, I have to stay on schedule, and I have to have this time and I have all these things and if I don't, then something's wrong with me and I'm not good and I'm not perfect, but all this shit. And I remember so clearly, like the first 18 months when I was, you know trying to do in other people's way is like every moment was scheduled and it fucking felt horrible. I hated it. And so I'm learned now is like, well, if my inner voice says no, it's not and so I basically stepped away from my from my podcast for like two weeks well, I just kind of observed the resistance and sat in the resistance for a little bit. And then after I gave myself some space, I was able to get some clarity and then through clarity this week. Literally I've done all the stuff that I thought was going to take me all month long. Everything came together, within like four or five days literally created everything in those four or five days. And what I like really realize is that sometimes the resistance that comes up like yes, sometimes it's fear and it's your mind is just playing tricks on you. But sometimes it actually is just resistance that part of your soul that's just like we're not ready. Just give us a little bit more time. And what I realized is that it's not that I already knew all the answers. I already knew everything inside of me. I just was not yet aligned. I had not yet tapped into the version of me that can create this in this very moment and as I gave myself space and really shifted into this, it all came out when literally I was trying to cook lunch right before getting on here but things are flowing. I was like don't even have time today just get on like because things are so in flow and everything happened so fast and this is how it should feel to build a business and this is exactly why I'm doing this podcast right and the last little piece I want to really talk about on this, you know on this podcast today is to talk about this resistance part. The resistance because this podcast is called the rebel soul right and the sole power I just explained right is following this part, but the rebel part is also very intentional. And what I really have become as a self sabotage expert and understanding sabotage and fear and resistance and like the physiological reactions in our body and like the tools to overcome it. What I really understand is that resistance and this is something that people are not talking about, is that it's not just all about mine. Sometimes the resistance is coming from your soul. Now this is so key. The closer you are to doing your soul's work, to actually becoming that person that has it all the more resistance is going to come up. Okay. Think about that. Very famous Marianne Williamson quote like the I'm gonna butcher it but I will link it up below is you know, our biggest fear is that we're greater than our like, that was that were too great, right? And it's true, because I see that the more that I become the embodiment of my essence, I just am this person. resistance comes up and to create this podcast. It wasn't hard for me. But I had to overcome the resistance because I knew that this was this is exactly in alignment with my soul's path like I the way I started this podcast right was it was very clear that this is like the work that I am meant to do. And so I had to sit with it. I had to like be able to learn how to sit in the resistance and really what resistance is is just rebelling. Right? Like the resistance rebelling is a form of resistance, right? When we're rebelling against things. It's a form of resistance around it. So to me, we have to get really good at rebelling against that resistance. And being able to learn how to sit with it and have the tools of it because the resistance is part of it doesn't mean that something's gone wrong. In fact, sometimes when I'm sitting in the most resistance, as it's, you know, in the beginning, it was like I was taking other people's materials and teaching it and now that I'm actually teaching my own materials and coming up with my own brand coming up on intellectual property coming up with my souls work, things that are not being taught out there. It's coming from myself. The harder the harder like the more resistance that comes up. It's uncomfortable, right? And that's what people are talking about is like how do you create from the soul? How do you actually if, if that soul has all of the guidance and everything you need is the resistance that keeps us stuck? And so when you can really get good at learning how to handle resistance and the resistance of the programming around us and the resistance of society and media and all the things that are in our way. That's really another piece of this is learning how to peel back those parts that are keeping us stuck in the old ways of being and so part of us is having to be a rebel and giving the middle finger and standing up against the resistance and standing up for ourselves and that is a such a huge part and so that's what this is all about and what I am about when I realized that now like as I see like all those things have gone through my life what really got me here to help people connect to who they are to really turn home to their souls to return home to who they were meant to be and to fight against the resistance that is getting us there. And what I'm noticing too, is that you know, it's in our consciousness. I'm seeing other coaches, other leaders out there talking about intuition and soul and I see that there is a shift right now in the industry. I see that there's a shift in the way that we are doing things in in the past. It used to be this very masculine way of leading right which is like I'm the leader, I actually do as I say like I'm going to tell you what to do, and giving our trust in them. But there is now this shift of going inward going loving ourselves to be our leaders and connecting with like minded people that we can raise each other up, right and it's like a circle. I imagine it like a triangle is like the old paradigm of like leader versus now. It's like going into a circle where we're like going in and we're like gathering and helping each other up and raising each other up and that's what this podcast is about. And I'm so excited. To bring on here. Some of my business besties some of my mentors and thought leaders, maybe people I've never even met before that are just going to blow your mind and give this as a platform for everybody. No one's better than others. It doesn't matter in the end. It's not about the money. It's not about the experience. It's like there are people out there that are have so much to give that have yet not had that platform. And so this is a platform for everyone. We're all equals we're sharing and I really am just so intentional about what I want to give onto this to this podcast to you. And I just want to end with you taking a minute and I want you to close your eyes. And I just want you to take a deep breath and I want you to go to that place in your body where you would call your soul where you feel lit up where you feel your intuition. And I just want you to sit there and I want you to feel it and maybe as I've been talking and as you've been listening to this podcast, that part of you is in lighting up that part of you is ready. A part of you wants to be embodied it's already there. It's already full you already are that person. But this is your invitation to see and to feel that you are already it now. It is just your job to shift. continually remind yourself that the power is in you now. So I'm so excited to go on this journey with you. This has been so much fun. This has been so much flow. And until next week. Go do something beautiful