recording in progress Hello there rebels souls. I am so excited to be here for another episode and today it starts a very special two part series called sold out offers. Today's episode is called sell out your offers one client at a time and it's all about how it's all actually my method of how I sell offers every time and on Friday, I'm going to do an episode that's called why your offer isn't working and it's the biggest mistakes that I see. They're going to help you really get your offer dialed in. So today we are really starting to talk about sales and sales is one of my favorite things to talk about. Now. Probably three years ago, I would have had a hard time actually admitting to myself that that was true. But I have come a long way in my sales journey and that's why I love talking about sales so much because at one point in my life, I actually really hated sales. I have actually about 15 years of sales background. So when I graduated college, I found my way into sales and my first job in sales was actually cold calling automotive repair companies. And this is for they had social media, so I was actually selling marketing packages, which back then were just postcard reminders of when people's oil changes and services were too and I was in sales for about 15 years having different positions and probably for the first seven years. I really hated a job. I hated that job and I remember actually calling my dad multiple times my dad was really always good at sales and crying to me like I don't like sales. I don't know what I want to do with my life. And it's funny that here I am because I decided to actually learn about sales and really sales is just connecting and when I learned how to reframe the way I looked at sales and that realize that sales is just connecting I really learn to love it and created a really beautiful career of it. And then eventually when I became a life coach, and here's the funny thing. I wanted to get out of my corporate job and at that point, I was the director of people and culture and I was running sales trainings, and I wanted to leave so badly I couldn't wait to become a coach. I didn't have to do sales anymore. And then once I became a coach, I realized that oh my gosh, I have to learn how to sell my services. Now. It became very easy for me and what happened was when I first started, I was doing binge eating coaching. But I didn't. That niche was not aligned to me and that's a whole other story. But ultimately, I didn't really believe in myself in order to sell that. And so other coaches because they knew I was good at selling asked me to start doing constant calls and selling their services for them and so I did that for about a year and a half and then one day was like wait, this is silly. Why am I not just making this my niche Why am I not just teaching people how to sell and that is how I ended up here and what I want you guys to take away from this is sometimes the thing that just comes very easy to us the thing that is like our Zona genius isn't obvious to us, but to other people. It's very obvious and they'll actually pay a lot of money to you to take this thing that you're so good at and sell it and it just happens to be that the thing that I'm really good at which is selling and not just selling because I like I said I don't really like to think about selling it's just connecting. I'm really good at making connecting simple which leads to sales. And so I really want you guys to be open to thinking about sales in a different way. And what I'm all about and what makes me different from other coaches out there and how people are teaching sales is that my the way I teach is a combination of part strategy. Part energetics, which is really when I bring in my spirituality my whoo going into like the consciousness and in different levels, and always making it simple. So that's what I'm going to do today is bring those three things together to help you understand how to sell out your offer one client at a time. And what I have really decided to own in the last couple of weeks here is I am the offer whisperer. It makes so much sense how to put together an offer that sells now and that's what I'm going to teach you in this podcast. Episode. Okay. So what. What specifically you're going to learn how to do today is how to sign one on one clients. That is what I am really a specialist at is helping people sign one one on one clients one sole client line client at a time. Yes, I know how to sell masterminds. I know how to sell group programs. I've done that multiple times. But what has really happened over the last year is that now what signing one on one clients feels like is just deciding. I have a process that not only works, but I trust it works. So when I want to sign clients, all I have to do is be like Okay, I'm ready, and then do this exact process that I'm going to teach today which then because I know this works, it becomes easy. It becomes work. It just feels like I show up and I'm like Okay, I'm ready. Let's do it and then clients show up and I know that's what you want to. So after being in the coaching industry for five years, not only signing and working with hundreds of clients and doing over maybe like 300 400 sales calls closing half a million dollars in business there's one thing that you have to understand that is going to make signing clients really easy. And that's having a really good offer. To me. There's almost two pieces to this puzzle right and one is actually creating the offer. And then the other piece is in selling the offer. And when you have an offer and when you spend time to make an offer that is so good that people want it that it's irresistible. That becomes a no brainer offer. What happens is that you don't have to sell it, it ends up selling itself. So what I see happen so much is that people think that they really know their offer, and that they are close to it. And then they go out and they just start selling it but it feels really hard. But when you really understand what goes into an offer and what makes an offer feel really tangible and really articulates the results that they're going to get. It becomes super, super easy. To fall to sell. Okay, so let's start getting down to what I actually do that like the steps how I put together okay, so the very first thing is getting clear on my offer, okay, and there's three pieces to this. So the first thing is I get really clear about what problem am I solving. Okay, what's the actual problem? Now? The other piece of that that makes this that makes it work is understanding who who you're talking to and what problem it is, which is basically just your niche. I and this is one this could be a whole podcast episode, which I will do at some point of how to figure out your niche. But when you're very clear about who you're talking to, and more specifically you're very clear about their problem, then it gets very easy to make an offer to them. So for example, my problem when I say that I am talking my problem is that my clients, their offers isn't selling and I can actually break it down a little bit more and say specifically, it's two pieces to the problem, which is the first part is that they're not clear about their offer. And then the second piece is they're not confident selling their offer and knowing how to talk about it. So I am so crystal clear. About the problem that I am that I am solving for my client, which makes it really easy for me to talk to them in the results that they want. Okay now one of the things is that my clients in this niche they could have multiple different types of problems, but I just decided to get really clear on one piece of the puzzle and really just focus on the offer right when it comes to offers the you know your minds you could have a great offer, but your mindset could be off or you could have a really great offer but your audience isn't warm, right? There could be other things that come into the puzzle, but I the more specific and the more clear you are about the actual problem and maybe the sub problem that you're fixing the easier it is to sell it. Now, what I did for this particular and I'm going to just really walk you behind the scenes for my last offer I did so the last offer that I created was called Hell yes offers and it was literally self selling this program so this is so me so matter to you to see what I'm doing because I'm literally going to show you the behind the scenes of how we came up with an offer about offers and what I originally started with is that I kind of decided to follow my desires. I was like when I knew I wanted to have an offer. I was like okay, well what would feel fun what's lighting me? up because you can approach an offer from many different levels or approach your niche from different levels. So you might as well go from the topic that is really lighting you up right now. So what I had known was I had done some surveys on my last group of people that I took through effortless sales. And I went through and I was like I want to see what the number one problem is and what people are struggling with the most. And I was actually surprised when I went through and I looked through all the data. I did not think that I was going to choose addressing offers but then when I looked back and I realized I was like oh my gosh, their confusion around their offer is making it wobbly so that they're not really sure what to say which makes it harder for them to show up and actually sell right so there's different things that have to happen. You have to be able to show up and talk about your offer and able to enable in order for people to buy. So I decided to really specifically talk about those two pieces because I knew that's really the thing that's getting in people's way as a clarity around the offer and then your ability to talk about it. So after I got really clear about the very specific programming problem that I was solving, I took time and I kind of geeked out and I did a very very super deep dive on all there's like a main problem and then there ends up being all these little pain points or problems that stem from this main problem. So I went in and I figured out okay, like Well, the main problem is that their offer isn't selling. But what are the things that are like causing this right and I realized it's little things like they actually don't even know what problem that they're solving like some people know, but some people want to ask them and like what problem do you solve? They're like, Ah, I don't know. Right? I realized that they weren't clear. I also realized that people didn't really understand the result of their problem. So these are the things that I just went through and I ended up coming up a list of like 10 sub pain points that all led to that and then I put it down on a piece of paper. And then after looking at all of them asked myself, Well then what's my unique solution to this? So I really understood what their pain points were, and then I started to understand how I could help them. Okay, so that was the first piece of creating an offer. Now the second thing that I did and this is the second piece is I got clear on the results of the program, you guys and I don't say this to like call anybody out, but I can't tell you the amount of clients people that I'm working with that are calling themselves coaches that are creatives are in there in the industry have been in the industry for a while and have actual offers. And when I asked them what the results of their offers are, they don't really know. They're like, well, I don't know the results of my offer because I haven't taken anybody through my programs. I don't know the results of my offer. And what happens is that this makes it extremely hard to sell your offer because you don't have an endpoint in mind and you're not able to speak to what they really want. And on top of that you're using your clients ability to get results for proof of what you're capable of. Okay, so here's the good news is that you are some version or an embodiment of the results okay. When you can sell when your offer is something that you've already done yourself. So you're already living the after, right? You think about where your clients are now which is point A and you think about where they want to go, which is point B. What makes an offer easy to sell is that you're selling something that you are already the embodiment of. Right so in this case for this offer. I have already had multiple offers that I sold and I had already sold out offers and I had taught offers before so to me, I was like I know this and I actually had a breakdown and be like how many clients have I sold Okay, I am the kleos in the beginning it was a little bit hard to really start calling myself like an offer specialist because I had never been so clear and actually didn't realize how important the offer was. And so I really had to sit down and like tell myself and show myself the evidence of how I am already the result of the show. Then I figured out okay, well then what did I do to get here and then I sat down and you guys, this took me a couple of days where I sat down and I figured out what are all the things that need to happen in order for somebody to get a client and I took all these posts and so what happened is that I got not only super clear on the results of the program, but then I in front of me have the exact how to write so how to get them from point A to B so when a client signs. I'm not like hoping or secretly hoping I can get them results, right. I'm just like, oh yeah, if you work with me, you're going to be able to get results. Because not only am I super clear on the results, I'm getting you but I know exactly how to get you there because I haven't written down and I figured out which each week what I'm doing in the work and so it feels like an actual product. It feels very solid. And what happens is that when you understand the results and actually how to get the results and you take the time and you create this process, you feel confident in your ability to get results which then when you're confident in being able to get results you can actually guarantee results and so it makes it easier for them to buy because it makes it less of a risk because you're like I actually guarantee I can get you results and you feel confident so it's actually easier to sell it. And I feel like so many people miss this, either. They're kind of clear on the results, or they aren't exactly sure how they're going to repeat it every client they're just kind of winging it. So the more that you have a repeatable process and you know the steps and You are the embodiment of the results easier this is and that's what makes it easy to sell. Okay, so that's the second piece, right? So the first piece is getting clear about who you're helping and the problem that you're solving and really deep diving. The second piece is then getting clear on the results. Now what I do is after I'm clear on the results, I go back to my research and all my deep dive and I end up creating like a spreadsheet. And there's three parts right so there's part one, which is their pain points, part two, which is how I help I'm going to help them what my unique sleep solution is. And then part three is the their desired results and the desired results of my program and guess what their desired results in the desired results of your program should literally be the same thing. Right. So in front of me before I even start selling it, I'm so clear about even how to talk about it, how to talk about how I'm going to help them what they're thinking and what they're going to get. Right. So the last thing I do with the offer right this is the law off the third thing I do and this ties in the offer is that then I take everything that my brain dump was right all of the information. And then and this is so important and so many people don't do it. Then I put myself in their shoes, and I changed my point of view. Now, this is a plumbing that I see happen all the time where what we do is we just go out there and we're talking in our point of view. Here's actually going to give you a story right now. I'm living in Mexico. You might be able to hear like the jungle behind me and I don't really speak Spanish. And there's been many times when I've gone to food order things are out and about and they're speaking Spanish and I'm speaking English and there's a miscommunication. So I'm not able to buy it or I'm not able to get what I want, right. And I see this so so often. Where you might be speaking that literally speaking the same language as your clients, but they can't hear you or they can't understand what you're saying because you're coming from you're you're not talking at their level. Okay? You're talking from where you're at, and you're talking about from your point of view, because you're already in you're talking about what well here, I'm just gonna get you these results and you're talking about they can't even understand it because they are so in a different place. They're in so much pain, and you're talking from a point of view where it's not relatable to them. So this is the secret to getting people to want to buy your offer or getting your people to buy even now is to speak from where they're at and their pain points not from your point of view. Right from how already having because you often hear like Coach talk versus marketing talk. This is a real thing, you guys. And I see this and this is what was when I was taking clients through this last round of effortless sorry, through hell yes app offers, there would be at least one session where they would have this light bulb moment and be like, Oh my gosh, I finally see what you're talking about. I see her point of view right where they they couldn't even hear that. And so what I do is I take all of the original thoughts and pain points, and then I go back and I say okay, well then, if I'm saying it this way, then how are they saying? And I rewrite all of the in their words. So I ended up rewriting everything I do, from their point of view in this step, this little baby step and by the way, you guys I'm gonna be honest, it's definitely take some work and it's taken it took me days and days and days to put all this together. But what as a result, I'm so clear and I'm speaking in their language so every single time my last launch you guys every single email that I sent resulted in somebody booking a console call. That means in the beginning it took me some time to figure it out and took a little bit of effort and this is the hard part is really understanding. It's a skill set. You have to learn how to do and once you do it over and over again and stepping back and and putting the words in their in their words. It lands. And I used to go from doing emails and posts that would like people would not really respond or like I wouldn't get I wasn't really confident in using email to sell. But after my last launch, I'm like oh no, this is just the norm every single time I read a post people respond because I'm speaking in their words are able to hear it and I'm so clear on the result of the program is so clear on the problem that they're like, Oh, this is so me that I need this i It's a no brainer and I'm able to speak in their language. So if you're getting crickets on your post, if you're showing up if you're talking to them, and you think you're like, Oh, I really like this but no one's responding. Very possible. This is your problem that you're just not talking from your point, their point of view, you're talking from your point of view, and what I often see happen too is that we're just talking in general like, hey, like, like you're not talking with an urgency you're talking about their problem like it's very like do you have this do you would you like this to change instead of being like, Hey, I know your biggest and I'll give an example from me right where it's like, Hey, you're out there and it's crickets. You keep on showing up. But no one's responding. Do you want people to respond to your messages now or later? Right, like I talked about the urgency now like, I know there are clients out there right now that they already figured out what their what their zone of genius is. Now they're just ready to show up in in sell it. I'm not talking to the person that is like, Hey, do you want to leave your corporate job or maybe you have this gift, right? I'm talking to the person that is like ready to sell right now. And I think we often do this where we're thinking and this is like another example. So one of my clients, worked with people with blended, blended families. And she was in Facebook groups, you know, post, you know, responding and engaging with people, but the people on the Facebook group groups, they're just like so in there like misery that in their, their values, that family isn't their number one value and so they're not out there looking for solutions. They just want to vent rather going to a place where somebody's like, hey, my family is the most important thing. I'm actually actively out there. looking for solutions and I'm ready, talking to that person versus talking to the person that is like doesn't even know that they're in pain and what they're in that they want to fix it right. When you're able to really understand what's again coming from their point of view, what point of view are you coming from when you can come through the point of view of the person that is ready to buy now and you're talking from the pain points now. Those are the people that's going to buy and I feel like so many people are so confused about who they're actually talking to, and where what level of awareness they're persons at in every single niche. Your Ideal Client there's different levels of when they're ready to buy and when you can learn how to talk to the people that are ready to buy now that's when your clients are going to come and that's really part of this understanding how to talk and their point of view. Okay, so, just to recap, the first three things that I do, are all around making my offer so freaking irresistible and easily understandable that they can that they're like yeah, that's me so that then the next part when I go to sell it and talk about it and makes it so easy, right? And so I just really want you guys to have examples of like what this looks like so you know, it's just not like, oh, yeah, do this do that. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to I want to read you guys the exact offer that I wrote right following this little formula that I just gave you what the offer sounds like, right and then this one offer that I'm going to read to you right now I ended up booking out within less than 30 days not only did I sell the spots that I had available, then I opened up a waitlist and sold those out too. Okay, so here's what a hell yes offer. That is so desirable, what it sounds like when it comes together when it's very thought out. And you can put you can also create your own version of this. Okay, so here's what it said. Translate Your unique coaching gifts into sales. If you struggle with how to talk about your offer. I'm talking about that. I don't know what to say drama that keeps you from making offers then this is for you. Introducing my new offer. Hell yes offers create an offer so desirable. It makes your soul clients say hell yes. Now, in 30 days, you'll feel confident about your offer, and know how to sell it in a way where your sole clients easily understand and are lining up to buy now. Walk away with a simple framework to write sales posts and we'll have dozens of ideas for how you can talk about your offer in a way where people people easily understand and make them want to buy now, you'll be able to competently guarantee your offer because you know how to get them results every time. You'll know how your offer is unique and different from others you can confidently charge premium prices. This means no more hiding from telling people what you do or making offers. No more getting crickets on your offers. You'll never waste time spinning in confusion about who you help or what's your offer. You'll be showing up consistently making offers because you know exactly what to say and always have a pile of ideas in copy ready to go that works. More Clients, more clients more more consults more money now. The best part of this offer is that the results are guaranteed. This is a fail proof investment. If you want to feel confident about your offer and know how to sell in a way we're so clients easily understand and are lining up to buy now this offer is for you. spots are limited this offer will sell out fast just like last time so don't wait. If you are a hell yes schedule your call with me today. Okay, so that is in to be clear. This is an offer that is written in copy right this went out to my email this one and post this went all over. Now, what often get right is people are like when people ask me what do I do, right? There's like different ways you can sell it. So taking this information I then will take that offer and help my clients come up with like one word. One sentence little liner so that if somebody you're just having like a casual conversation, it's easy to tell people what you do, right so when people ask me like what do you do? I say I help coaches, healers and creatives sell their offer in a way where people easily understand how you can help them and are lining up to buy now. Right then people are like, Oh, that's me right and so many people then that will turn into making an offer to people. So you just really got to understand the gist of what you're doing. So when you have this offer, and you have this clarity around your offer, then the next step is to show up and sell. Okay, so now we're going to talk about the second part, which is selling now before we actually sell the very first part of selling for me and this is step number four now is believing in yourself. Right? It's one thing to have an offer that's amazing, but the thing that makes the offer work is the belief around it and to take it even a little step further. I feel like belief is just one piece of the puzzle. When you can really tap into and go back to that energy of You are the embodiment of your offer, right it's a little bit deeper than just mindset it brings in the energetics of it right and when I create I'm not just working with my mind, right and in a past episode, I talked about the levels of consciousness right and so are when we're working with our conscious mind. We're just working with what's predictable. We're going off of what we see, we know what we see we can do and if we haven't we don't have proof and we don't know that we can sell offer or that our offer works then the mindset work is not going to be enough. When you can work with the fields of possibility of what's possible, which is really when you go into the energetics which is your emotions and feel the emotion before it's there. You can play with possibility and when you can go a level deeper and really tap into what I call your soul consciousness which is your truth which is God which is source and you can tap into that part and get in alignment with what the truth is, which is your Creator and you have the power to create whatever you want, and you can tap into your truth and if you know your truth is to help the world with your gift, then you're going deeper than just the mindset you're going into like your knowing you're going into this power that has the ability to create. So what I do is I work with all three of these layers, right? So before I go to sell them take an action, and after I have my offer then I get into like alignment to the embodiment of it. Okay, and this is what I do. I'm gonna give you guys my exact work once again, you guys I'm giving you exactly what I'm doing. I'm not holding anything back. I'm not like okay, like I'm just gonna give you a piece of it and then if you want the rest you can work with me. However, you can work with me if you want me to help you do it. But this is literally what I do. Okay, so the work that I do is I have this thing, and it's a tool and it's called My energetic launch sequence. Right? So every single day that I am selling my offer, not only am I showing up in like the physical world and like making Office offers and like telling people about it. But the thing that I know that really gets my offers to work is this piece is the energetic piece right is the alignment pieces the belief piece. And so here's what I do, here's the question. So at the beginning of my launch, before I go to sell, I sit down and I tap into my intuition, my soul that part of me that's not me, that is more than me. And I answer these questions together and I write them down. So the questions are this, I asked myself, who am I? And another way to ask this is what's my truth? And then I write them all down. And then I asked myself, Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this offer? Why do I want to do this? And I break it into three different categories and I read it into why I'm doing this for me, why I'm doing this for my clients and why I'm doing this for the world. So I get so freakin intentional about why I'm doing this and it always goes back to like, this is what I'm supposed to be doing like God universe source wants me to do. This is like power when you can like tap into that. And I talked about this in the second episode about desires and if you have not listened to that, go back and listen, but our desires literally when we have a desire, it's meant for us and when we can follow that desire. There's a direct path from that desire to the thing and so when you can really go in and anchor into your desires and why you're doing thing, it's like super, super, super powerful. So then the next question I ask is, what are the results they're going to get from this offer? And then I list down all the results you're gonna get and then I asked myself, How am I already the embodiment of these results? And the reason why I asked this specifically is because I'm looking for proof and evidence that I that it's already done, that it's just deeper a deeper knowing of what I know and then I write down all the evidence which would look like I've already sold this many offers. I've already had this many clients, right? Then I look for proof of what's possible, right, which is maybe things that I have not done yet, but I know it's possible to do. And then I go one more layer and I look for proof of how it's already done, of how it would already feel and then it ends up being this like huge list of like just sentences that feel really beautiful. And then I create an audio like I basically it's so simple. I just take my phone I go into like the audio app. I put some music in the background and I see them out loud as when I'm feeling them to be true. And then I listened to that audio every single day. So I'm always anchoring into it's what feels not only the offer feels real and fun and I know it but then I energetically feel so aligned in the energy of like it's already done. Okay, so that's the fourth step. Now, the fifth thing that I do now we're getting into action. I mean, this is when I finally take action to you guys. So I actually I created a new offer last week, and you're gonna you'll hear about it soon, sooner than later. And as much as I wanted to talk about it right away because I was like ready to show up and that's what I would do is to do in the past I'd get an idea. And then I'd show up and start making the offers but the offers wouldn't always land when I take time to really think about my offer right and usually it's a cut now it takes me a couple of days from when I come up with my offer to like getting really clear on my offer and then doing this energetic launch sequence that by the time I go to start talking about my offer, I'm like, bursting at the seams because I'm like, Oh my gosh, this is gonna be so good. I've been sitting in it i and in fact I sometimes have to slow myself down because I like want to get out there and talk about it so fast. But the more that I take time to just really get aligned. What happens is that by the time I get to the fifth step, which is the inspired action, I have a list of ideas that I wanted to do or elicit inspired things to do because I've been like just taking my time and sitting in like the excitement of it that it just like starts coming to me, right? So part of this, but the action is that I'm just following my fun. I'm just following my desire. I'm just like, Okay, what's gonna feel good. And the thing that is really important is that I'm never in this energy of how right like I'm ever like, what am I going to do where are my clients? Where are they? I just already know, okay, and what I know and this is what you guys should really think about is that how I get clients and the actual actions is just connecting. Right? So I go out there and my job is just to connect one person at a time. Now, when I launch an offer, I might have maybe like six one on one spots open or when I'm launching a group I might be like, trying to call in 20 or 40 people, but I'm not leading with like, I want six clients. I'm looking for 20 people what I'm focused on is one person at a time. That's it one person and that one person is that I feel them. And then I just think about one person I'm like, I just need to have one. What is this? What does this person need? And then usually the like the logistics of what I do or the strategic is then I would go back to the spreadsheet or to like the sheets with all of the pain points and problems and look at it and be like hey, what would be fun to talk about today which one of these many ideas which one of these many pain points are experiencing that I can pick and be like, Oh, well you know what, I just had a call with my client experience this one so I'm gonna do that and tell the story or I just experienced this other one myself. So let me tell the story. So it ends up not just feeling like Oh, I'm just saying things, the same things, but I ended up getting to use real life examples. And I always have ideas there. So I'm not spinning in this place of like, what do I do? What do I say? It's just like everything is in front of me. But what I'm choosing to do next is based off of what feels like fun and what it feels like aligned to me right so it ends up being this like really beautiful thing so that after I do quote unquote like the work right the sitting down the planning that the research the alignment, then it just gets to show up and I'm just like in this playful mood of like what feels fun, and I'm gonna go walk on the beach and listen to my like, I call it my soul conscious calibration, right like my audio. I'm gonna go get calibrated and then I'm going to come back and I'm going to talk about this and I'm going to talk about my experience, right so it ends up just being fun and then I sign a client and then once I sign a client, I celebrate right and and I and I think actually this is getting into the sixth step right. So the fifth step is, I am to wait for inspired action which always is just coming in when i Nothing's coming and I go to the sheet and I asked what would feel like fun and I think about ideas to talk about, okay, the sixth The sixth thing is that I just keep planting seeds, right, I keep connecting them every single time I call it seed planting, and I'll talk more about this in other episodes. About my strategy when it comes to selling but if we put so much pressure on one, post, one email one piece of content to get results we put a lot of pressure on it. So what I think about it is I don't put pressure on any one thing it's always see planting like what feels most fun and just planting a bunch of seeds so I'm like I just have a trust and a knowing that seeds plant at the right time right the right time people will will buy from me now in the past it was a lot more sporadic. But now that I have this very process dialed in process that works and really understand how to talk to people, because I'm talking to their pain points in a in an urgent manner. I noticed that people respond faster, right. And I think there's little things you can do for that. So So then once I keep on planting seeds, and then once somebody signed then I stop, and I celebrate the fuck out of it. And I'm like, Of course of course, because what's happening is that when I'm doing the like, soul conscious calibration audios and I'm reminding myself like every day what those audios are really reminding me it's putting me in the energy of like it is already done. Of course clients are on their way that's those are the things I'm saying to myself and so when a client comes I then anchor into it being like Oh, of course I knew this was gonna happen. This is just proof this is just proof so that that one client then helps me what I call collapse time, insight, calling another client faster, and then the next one faster because it's just proof because once you have evidence and proof that you can do it then you just celebrate that you deepen your knowledge of what you already know. And you can collapse time around it, which just means that you do it faster. Right and that's how you end up selling out your offer one client at a time. And that's it you guys this is my process like I might my strategy might change a little bit right like I might sometimes do a masterclass I might sometimes now I have podcast episodes so like this time I am doing podcasts right before I would maybe do a master client Class A sell offer it just really depends on what feels aligned then but this but the basic strategy stays the same. So I want you guys to walk away from this episode. Hopefully being like wow, there are some things that I don't do and maybe if I do these things that would make me easy. Everything that I gave you is exactly what I do. And here's the beautiful thing. Each and every single one of you is capable of getting these results to for yourself making what I just said this prop my process taking it and being like, oh this sounds good or maybe even tweaking it a little bit and making it your own but this is how you sign clients. And if you repeat this over and over and over again your clients will be there as well. So I have one more little fun thing that I want to leave you guys with Okay, which is if you Okay, now here is the fun part. So the last offer that I created was called Hell yes offers and I just talked so much about it. And at that point when I sold it I told myself I was going to only offer that offer once because after that offer, I was going to relaunch my program but what is happening now is the people that I'm taking through this offer right now, which some people have already ended. Not only are they getting amazing results, so it's really solid fIying this process that I just told you not only is it working for me, but it's working for other people but this has now become like my obsession like it is become the most fun thing to pick. take people through these, this process because I'm really seeing how people don't understand offers and that these simple little tweaks of getting clarity on your offer and learning how to talk about your offer in a way is drastically changing people and they're gonna get results. So I've decided to open up some more spots and I'm going to offer this again Okay, now, I'm not going to say this is the only time I'm going to offer this because I might keep on selling this because it's something that I love right now and what I have learned in your business is that when something's working and when you love something, keep doing it. But I will tell you that I only have limited spots and this will sell out again. So if you don't want to waste any more time, you don't want to have to like figure this out on your own. You just want a hell yes offer that works now and you want to feel so confident about your ability to show up and sell it. If that is you that you know you want the results now, then this is for you. Okay, in the shownotes I will have a link you can sign up for a constant call. I am doing constant calls on this because I want to make sure it's the right fit for both of us and that you're in the right place because I do guarantee results right so if you guaranteed once you're done with the guesswork, you don't want to figure out on your own. You want somebody that's gonna walk you through this process. Do you have an offer that is going to sell and that you feel confident selling it? This is for you, you guys. It's so fun. So that is all that I have today. I'm going to be back on Friday and on Friday, we're gonna be talking about all the reasons why your offer is not selling these in the mistakes that you're making. So this is a two part series and I will be back then. So thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed this podcast if you think that this is not only helpful for you, but that would help another person just like you please please please please please share it with other people. You can share it on social medias and tag me. Also right now if you guys share it, I'm still doing the giveaway that you will get not only a 60 minute call with me or my eyes on your business fixing your offer, but you'll get to be invited on my podcast as a guest and you'll get a swag bag. And other ways to win this giveaway is by writing a review and then sending me a screenshot to Lauren at Lauren csgo.com and I'll be pulling a winner at the end of May for this fabulous, amazing giveaway. So that's it I love you all I can't wait to come back. It's time to find clarity around our offers. Take this even deeper so that you can show up and sell your offer with ease talk to you later.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai