The Rich, Thin & Happy Delusion & Other Reflections from a Year of Traveling

Episode 15: The Rich, Thin & Happy Delusion & Other Reflections from a Year of Traveling 

I’ll be happy when {fill in the blank}.

This is the biggest delusion we fall into as humans, thinking life will be better when you achieve a certain goal or manifest "the thing."

Before I left on my year of travel I had this vision for myself for when I retuned home that I would be way thinner and have way more money.

Well…A year has gone by and none of those are my current reality but I am way more happier and fulfilled than I have ever been.

The freedom of unapologetically being myself and living my life the way I want to, feels way better than being thin and rich.

For so much of my life I chased the external things looking for happiness and validation.

When I started my business I used my business, signing clients and making money as a reasons to feel happy and worthy.

But I learned in business everything can change in an instant and when you attach your happiness, validation and worth based on the amount you’re making in your business….

Your happiness and worth will be dependent on their always being clients and money in order to feel good.

What I learned on my year journey and who I have become is way more valuable than having the results of being thinner and richer.

I’ve become the person who is happy, fulfilled, worthy regardless of what I weigh, how much I make, how many clients I have.

And the best part is from this place I am able to create all those results and more! {And I will create them, just you watch}

In this episode of The Rebel Soul Podcast I’m taking you behind the scenes how myself and my business completely transformed in one year. 

I’m going share with you the biggest lessons I learned and how you can apply them to your business and life now. 

 Links to things that were mentioned in the podcast episode: 

The Masterclass Library

Work with Me

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