recording in progress
Hello there beautiful souls. Welcome back to another episode of the rebel soul podcast. And today we are talking about becoming the person you're meant to be. And really this is about how to overcome yourself. Before I start I have an exciting announcement for you all. I have created a free masterclass library with all of my best master classes as you guys know, I am the queen of masterclasses and I over deliver in my latest masterclass, sold out offers masterclass was just added in this masterclass I actually take you through the exact steps that I take my clients that are in Hotel Yes offers to create an offer that feels so good and so juicy and it feels like a hell yes to you and your clients and more importantly, how to then talk about your offer how to articulate and translate your gifts your services into offers and in a way that your clients easily understand and want to buy from you now. So go look in the link below and the show notes and you can go ahead and sign up. So today oh my gosh, I I'm gonna as much as I have a million words to say about this topic today. I'm going to try to keep this really short and simple because I just really always want you to take a few takeaways away from this and here's the thing I've been spending the last eight years obsessively learning personal growth, really studying. How do you become your best self? How do you overcome yourself? I've gotten certifications I've spent that was hundreds of 1000s of dollars. I've spent 1000s of hours studying, listening to podcast. I've worked with some of the best mentors out there. It's taken me 40 years to figure out what I want to teach you in this podcast. So this is gonna be a super potent podcast for you.
And it's funny because you know as universal habit, it's always giving us exactly what what you need right and it never looks the way you think. It should. And I now know why I meant to birth this process and teach this to you guys right now. So what's happening behind the scenes is I am I'm staying at my parents house and I'm here for the summer. I'm taking a little break from Mexico and mostly because it's just hot a f there and really humid so I decided to come back and spend some time with my family. And you know going back to environments right with like your family and where you have memories. It has really been bringing up a lot of things for me and like a really beautiful way. Because I'm looking back at the times that I've spent and I at one point in I think it was probably 2016 I lived in my parents house for about six months they bought the house and they did weren't living in it. They were living in a different place. So me and my brother like basically they're like you can live there. I think it was probably free. So we like moved in for like maybe three to six months and I remember during this and this is back in 2016. And in this time of my life. I remember I had like an office here and I remember spending hours and hours and hours in this office trying to figure out what my life purpose was. And in that year, I decided that my my only purpose of the year was to figure out what my life's purpose was and which it really led me down the path of, of coaching and helping people like change and I just at that point, you know, saw myself being a speaker. I was really into like Gabby Bernstein at that point. So I saw myself like being on stage and just like wanting to change people's lives. And I also remember at that time in my life, I felt so freakin stuck.
Last week, I found some old journals and I was going through some old journals and I was looking back at these journals from all like this The probably my first five years of my journey. And I just kept on saying the same thing over and over again, which is like I just feel stuck. I just want to get out of my own way I just like I want to fight figure out how to do this because I just kept on going back to the same patterns over and over and over. Again. And reading back I was just like really felt for this version of me of like this desire to like want more in life, but couldn't get out of my own way. And at that point, I was in my like mid 20 Sorry, probably. Yeah, there's like different versions, one version of me and my mid 20s I was like going to happy hours and like binge eating and like looking for might fulfillment and men and sex. And then another version of B which was my like early 30s was also really stuck in binge eating and just couldn't get out of it and I felt like I was in my own way and really had an unhealthy relationship with money. And it's so fun to be back here now. Being who I am having the results that I have, which I now know how to make money. I'm no longer binge eating. I'm super happy with my body and I am even though it's not and here's the funny thing.
In my version of me back then, happiness would have been in like millions of dollars and like a super thin body and all of the like out external results. But the version of me now is just so freakin happy with who I am where I'm at, is in total just Freeman free freedom. Because I've figured out how to be happy and grateful in every moment. And I've also figured out who I am in have taken the actions to then embody that truth. So now I actually, you know, back then at one of the points when I was living with my parents and back in 2018, which is the second time I was staying with my parents and this time, it was not by choice. It was because I had no money and this is on my entrepreneur journey. I in at this point I was already certified. I had learned the model and the model, you know, to me, I was like oh, this is everything like I'm in a crate all of my dreams for it. But there was limitations in it because I was really only looking at my conscious thoughts and not my subconscious thoughts. And at that time was definitely not connected to the intuition and the guidance inside of me. But at that point when I was in my journey, and I really wanted to be making money so you guys how I how I became an entrepreneur, is I jumped without a safety net. I quit my corporate job I maybe have like $5,000 in my bank account if that and I was just like, I'm gonna make money. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna figure it out and I did figure it out to some extent, but I couldn't figure out how to make money consistently. And this is like really the one of the biggest lessons in my life is because consciously I was focusing I was doing my thought work. I was doing the affirmations about wanting to be able to make money and believing that I can make money, but I wasn't actually making money. And I was felt like crap. And I was like in this like fight or flight all the time because I didn't know what to do and I was like spinning. Right and that was not really a great place to be in from that place. What actually was going on is I was not doing the deep work. I was not looking at my subconscious beliefs. I was not addressing the emotions. And this is where I really clicked coined my term smoking hopium is because I wanted it so badly. But I wasn't only in my head over it. I wasn't actually in my body. I wasn't shifting my emotions. So to me it was like, you know, trying to take a poop and then spraying popery on it hoping that it smells good, right like it's still poop. It's still gonna smell bad. You're just like spraying it to smell good. And that was like one of like the biggest lessons that I learned about how to change and how to overcome yourself because we're just looking at the thoughts and we're just looking at the subconscious, subconscious and we're missing the whole emotions and the embodiment. That is the thing. It's not about what you're thinking. It's not about what you're doing, but it's who you're actually being in your body and who you're feeling that creates the change.
And really what was happening for me, my first year of business is that I was doing this I was doing, you know, all the affirmations and that was you know, listening to the teachers and I actually at that point, even when I was when I had some home my parents because I was broke. I was actually working with one of the top mentors in the industry. I had the best mentor, but because I was just staying on the surface in this mentor was not teaching me how to go deeper. I was continually staying stuck and it was really frustrated because I was doing all the actions. I was had the mentor and yet I was stuck and didn't have the money and couldn't get the results. And this really happened for me because this helped me see a huge piece of the puzzle that I now teach and that actually leads to get in result, which is understanding, really the embodiment and understanding what I call emotional coding. So why a man so first off, let me explain to you what, even what embodiment is right because a lot of people sometimes understand this term some people don't right but really what embodiment is, is that what you believe what you're thinking what it actually feels real in your body. You don't have to think about it. It's just your natural state. It's effortless. And most importantly, it's about your actions actually match your beliefs. You're being you're doing your flowing while you're grounded in your body, right and you're not in your head. You don't have to think about it. It's just who you are. And that's really like what I've learned is it's it's this embodiment and it's really the emotional work that is how you change in addressing the emotions.
So on my journey, right, so fast forward to today, and I'm back living in my parents house, and it's on purpose. It's intentional that I'm here, and I was out yesterday. And I met a friend of mine who's also a coach, and she just, you know, we hadn't seen each other for a while and I walk and I walked in and she's like, man, you're just, you're just living the life. I just see you you're you're doing it your way. And she's like you've just done it like and she's seen me from the beginning. Like she was there for me when I was selling vintage fur coats to pay for bills so that I could like stay at my apartment for one more time. And actually I use that money to for Uber to go work with my mentor. Right so my friend has seen me go from, you know, wanting to believe and really just like in the hustle to where I am now and it's just such a beautiful reflection and to see myself now where what I know for sure is that everything that we are meant to be everything that we are here to do is in sight of us. We're being led to it all the time.
I would I call in what one of the tools that I teach is the different levels of consciousness, right? So we have our conscious mind, which is our thoughts what we see we have our subconscious, which is really where our identities are and some of the emotional coding is and then we also have our soul consciousness which is where our inner voice our intuition, God source, that part of us that isn't human lies, and part of my journey, right so for the first I would say like five years, maybe six years, maybe even seven years. I was really just focus on the mind in the subconscious but then I might intuition led me to actually just lively and an amazing series of events. She was thinking about creating a certification to help people connect to their intuition. She calls it inner voice and she wasn't sure how to create a certification. So me and her connected and I actually helped her behind the scene, create the first round of her inner voice facilitator training. And in that first round, I mean, well, first off, I had a really hard time in the beginning. Okay, so if you guys are just being led to intuition or just getting into how to listen to your inner voice and have a really strong mind. That is me, right like I think in the whole time the first month that I was actually going through the certification, like I couldn't even hear my inner voice. Everybody else was getting channels and I was like, I can't hear this. But what I did learn is that when you can tap into a whole other part of you, that is unlimited possibilities, which is unlimited potential. This is where when you're when you're thinking about law of attraction and when you're listening to the Abraham teachings like they're teaching from this place, and after studying that really deep and in the while we are going through the first round one call me and Jess were talking and really the the idea of what she calls an emotional beanbag, what I call emotional coding came up and I was led down a path of experimenting of what it would be like to go in and just release these emotions that come up. So when you go to your inner voice, right, so when you're getting out of your mind and into your body, one of the things that can happen when you get into your body is that like emotions come up emotion release, emotions are released. And this in this work around the emotions is the key to becoming the person you're meant to be is the key to overcoming yourself because these emotions are what leads us is what is the guidance from inside right so when we have a negative emotion come up when fear or resistance or disappointment anything that doesn't feel good that comes up. It's actually a good thing. Okay, hear me out. It's actually a good thing because it's just a sign that you're out of alignment and that something needs to be released right. So something that is not true to your true self right. So in this soul consciousness lies all your desires lies all of the guidance that you need to fulfill the thing that you're meant to become. And when you can go and you can tap in and you can live from here. One of the things that's going to happen is that it's going to bring up all of the emotions that and all of the emotional coding that's in your way from you truly being that person. Okay? Now, what I want to start doing is help putting this together between the soul consciousness and the mind because the mind wants to run. It's its own party, right? The mind always wants to be in control. But when you can learn how to work with your conscious mind, your subconscious mind and your soul conscious mind to navigate and to be all in alignment at the same time. That is what is true embodiment. Right and I think that a lot of people that are in the personal development group or coaches or people that are probably listening to this podcast, right, like you've played in either mindset work or you've played with, you know, with the inner voice and you've played with, you know, intuition, but really, how do you put it together so that it's communicating, and it's all one so that you're able to actually be that person very effortlessly, effortlessly, and instead of your mind in your programming of all of the past experience of who you think you should be is, is what's mainly paying, you're able to then tap into the soul consciousness, which is this possibility potential, and all the things you're meant to be and instead, create from that place. That's ultimately what I have learned to do. Is how to in every single moment, tap into my body and take the guidance from the place that is God's source is known as the way versus having my mind on repeat. And through intentionally shifting and intentionally living there and releasing the emotions and creating new emotional coding is now become my natural state of being which is now embodiment. So this is just the way that I get to be and it just feels very easy and fun. And I've just created a life that has blown my mind. And this is ultimately what I want for all of you guys right is like how to how to live in a world where you're just being guided now. Negative emotions, fear, all of that stuff will continue to come up its life you're humans, you're gonna always have that. But when you know how to and in any moment when it does come up, be not be reacted to it, but be able to actually process the emotion feel it like it's no big deal and then shift into feeling something else. And when you do it enough it then becomes very easy and you're able to do it faster and it just like right now and it's it's been fun. Like I said, I started when I started this podcast, I was telling you guys I was going back and looking at these old journals have me just like trying to stop binge eating and this is when I was like doing a lot of like models and thought work and it was just all these journals have stopped work but yet, I was still taking the same actions I was wanting to change I was hoping to change I was in my mind I was journaling journaling but yet I actually wasn't changing and I was staying stuck. And here I am years later. And I actually I have all the answers. I have everything I need inside of me. I know exactly how to do it. There's nothing that's in my way and if impostor syndrome comes up if doubt comes up whatever things come up I'm just like up there it is no big deal. I'm able to switch in so I literally feel limitless. i There's nothing else outside of me. There's nothing else I need. It's like as soon as you know how to really have it I call it inner power. When you can tap into your inner power which we all have. And you can learn how to live from this place and really your inner power is your ability to shift your your Pillet ability to feel it's your ability to create when you know how and you have 100% trust over this than anything is possible. Right and it just it this is what I really want for all of you guys. This is why I'm so freaking pumped right now about what I'm creating because I'm finally this person where I am embodied with what I do. So I get to teach this and this is exactly why I am ready to release the embodiment technique to the world. And I'm gonna do it in the embodiment experiment which I'll tell you guys in a little bit and invite you guys to join me but I mean, this is just what what I want for you and what I want for everybody. And one more little piece to the puzzle here which I think is so so so important to hear you guys and I talk about this a lot and I'm going to talk about it again and I'll probably talk about it in the future is understanding information versus transformation versus embodiment. Okay, now, I know you You're smart. You you're looking to become your best self you're not just here to settle for whatever.
You are seeking something bigger, you're intelligent, there's a there's a desire for you to fulfill that purpose. And you have everything you need.
And let me tell you if I really know you you probably have been spending years maybe even decades looking for the information. You have so much information you have everything you need. I'm guessing there's a lot of things that I said in this podcast that you're just like, oh yeah, I already know that. Like this is just a reminder right? And so information is great.
And, but information without being applied, doesn't do us anything. And I see this now when I go back in. I look at these years and years and years of journaling and literally I almost feel like there's a little bit of sadness in me for myself looking back at these because it's like, literally five years in five years later in these journals. I'm saying the same exact things feeling stuck in five years later I had the information and I understand the thoughts and the subconscious and all those things, but I wasn't taking the actions and the actions are the things that then change your life because you have to do something different to get different results. And what written when this really changed the thing that went from just having the information and spinning to me actually being the embodiment of it is when I applied the information Okay, and this is the stage that called transformation. And what really happens in what transformation really looks like it is taking one step forward, two steps back, two steps forward. 10 steps back. It's taking the information that you have and applying it and sometimes having successes and also having a lot of failures and feeling really bad and doing the hard work. And what I see is that this is the place where most people give up. This is the place where because it doesn't come easy because it's not you're not embodied yet. This just because you have the information doesn't mean that it's going to be easier. You're going to be that person. You have to go through the transformation. You have to do the work first in order for you to get the results and so really like this last year of my life and last probably two years, maybe three years, I've been doing more of the hard work, but really this last year is really where I just sat and transformation and just like sat in the emotions and really for me what this looks like is just releasing, feeling the negative emotions releasing the negative emotions and then shifting back in and doing doing differently and getting a different results. This is where trust is built. This is where this is the this is where the magic happens in the transformation stage but so many people unplug or stop or go back to their own ways and especially as coaches and healers and creatives where we have these tools. We're teaching these tools, there's a part of us that thinks oh, well, I should know this already or I should have it and so there is this like beating up that we do but we also have to go through it. So it's the transformation stage really is where the magic happens, right? And then once you're in after you practice enough, right and this these little, every single time you release an emotional coding, you're shifting every time you do these little things that all adds up and then one day you wake up and you're just that person, and it's just automatic, and that's when you're an embodiment. And that's when you don't have to think about it. And that's when it's just like it's who you are and it just comes natural to you. And that's ultimately where we want to get with anything that we learn. We want to get to this embodiment stage, but it is the transformation stage that the magic happens. So that's really what I want to leave with you guys with and here's here's to me, I think what maybe a lifetime, an invitation of a lifetime I like I said, I'm ready to put out this amazing technique that changes people at their core. That is the answer. Do we come in your potential? It is everything. And I'm going to be doing a 30 day embodiment experiment or I'm going to be inviting you to come along with me to in really this an experiment of what's possible when you step out of your doubt when you step out of your programming. When you embody your potential for 30 days. We are going to be in the transformation stage. I'm going to now I'm going to do it myself. I'm working on next level embodiment. So I'm going to do this with you. If you want to learn how to not only tap into that potential inside of you learn how to take action from that part of you that knows the way to overcome the mind and all of the things that are getting in your way and learning how to just be your best self. This is the container it's going to be right this is really the antidote to impostor syndrome at the end of 30 days, you're just kind of feel so freaking good because I'm going to teach you how to shift in every moment into that place of possibility so that you can feel good now I see so many people waiting. They're like, Oh, I'll feel better when I have these results when I become this person. And there's a lot of impostor syndrome that comes through to right feeling like they're not enough or who am I to be doing this. And that's really what we're going to be overcoming is the core beliefs that get in your way from you feeling like you're enough now and really at the end of the 30 days. You're just going to you're just going to be in this place of what's possible, you're going to feel good and more importantly, you're going to be taking the actions you're going to be in the embodiment of who you want to be not just spinning in the mind drama, or just conceptualizing it or staying in the information. You're going to transform. So we start on August 1, the price before the 25th I'm doing a pre Bird Special is $111. After the 25th the price goes up to $222 If you have been in any of my other group programs, like the alignment experiments, or effortless sales, you know that this is going to be an amazing experience. I over deliver on all of my projects and there's something about right now of where I am of living and teaching from my leading edge of this and being obsessed with this new process. It's gonna make this first round that I'm doing this just really, really really special. And my goal is that you get results and that you love this so much that you tell everybody about it because this is literally going to change the world and that's how I feel or I'm just sitting on it and there's a part of me that just like I can't believe I've been sitting on this for so long and not sharing this because this is like literally the answers to everything of like how you live from your mind, your body, your soul and how you shift so I can't wait to see you guys there if you want more information, the it's going to be a link in below. But if you have been wanting to work with me, this is going to be one of the best experiences if it feels aligned. I'd love to see you in there. So until next time, I'm sending you guys love and I'll talk to you soon
Transcribed by https://otter.ai