WTF Is Embodiment & Why It Matters In Business

Episode 17: WTF is Embodiment & Why it Matters in Business

❌Affirmations don’t work.

Doing affirmations is the equivalent of smoking hopium. 😂💨

Smoking hopium is exactly like it sounds, you get high on thinking about the thing you desire but you’re showing up taking actions to create the thing you desire.

It’s a lot of hoping, wishing, dreaming, affirming and not a lot of action to back it up.

You really want to believe that you can create {insert desire results} but…

➡️ It doesn’t feel real in your body when you think about it

➡️ Doubt, fear ad resistance might come up when you think about it 

➡️ You have the best intentions to take action but you keep procrastinating

All of these are side effects of smoking hopium.

Good new is the antidote to smoking hopium is Embodiment.

In this weeks episode of The Rebel Soul Podcast we are diving in deep into WTF is Embodiment is why it matters in your business.

Understanding Embodiment might just be the missing piece for you to make all of your mindset work, action and strategy actually work so you can create the results you want.

It’s time to becoming the person who can create and have it all and Embodiment is the way. 

Links to things that were mentioned in the podcast episode: 

The Embodiment Experiment

Work with Me

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