Welcome back to another episode. Today we are talking about two things that fuck up your manifestations. And there's actually quite a few things that can mess you up but specifically today we are talking about the lack of evidence to need to believe right that you need to see the evidence first in order to believe and how our past gets in our way right. We often think that our past equals our future and that's something true. So right now I'm actually recording outdoors I am house sitting at a beautiful house. It has a waterfall in the backyard and beautiful garden. And so this is become my back yard office. So if you hear some outdoor noises That's why this week, it's been a fun week. I've had Leticia ridge in town from Australia. We've been exploring and going all around and that's been really cool. And today's episode is really just inspired by doing my own work and the expansion that I am in right now. And I just want a break. I just know that if I am going through this, that there are other people and that this is going to help other people. So what I know for sure is that when we decide, like really decide on something, the universe conspires to give us everything we need to become this person. Right so when we ask you the I'm sure if you're abraham hicks fans, you know, asking it is given like literally as soon as we ask the universe gives it to us, but we often aren't the vibration, or we aren't able to bring it in because there's something in our way. And so universities or gives us the manifestation or gives us the things that we need in order to create it. And it's often in the event of things happening, specifically emotions and stories that need to be released. And that's really kind of what I've been going through what I'm going through right now. And really this happened last weekend or two weekends ago, I was hanging out with a friend of mine and I was up in Marina Del Rey and my friend I've actually been friends with her since the third grade. And the thing is that, like, Where do I even go? There's like a little bit of a backstory here. So actually, let me give you the backstory first. So about six years ago, me and his friend, were driving back from Mexico, we had gone down to Las Gaviotas for my birthday, which is what I do every year and there was about a three hour drive back and so we're in the car and this is even before having left my corporate office. I was a couple years before becoming an entrepreneur, but I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur and she was an entrepreneur. And we both had these big dreams and I remember very specifically this ride because we were listening to the audiobook is the time to kill it and we're both into personal growth. So we're listening to the book mindset of a millionaire with the mindset of millionaires like that the millionaire mindset, I can't remember. I will link it up though so you guys can see it but I remember this ride because I never really thought of myself as being a millionaire before this conversation with her and this conversation stuck because she was just so clear that she wanted to have lots of millions of dollars. And at that point where I was like I knew I wanted to make multiple 1000s of dollars like multi 1000s of dollars hundreds or multi 100 1000s of dollars. But after this ride with her and listening to this book, I was like no, I do want to be a millionaire like I do. And ever since then I've just been on that journey to become a millionaire. Now, my friend has become a millionaire since that time and I'm so proud of her. And then this is the fun thing where I'm in Marina Del Rey and I'm just getting to experience her and it's always such a fun vibe to be with her and observe her money mindset and the way she's around it. And she's worked really hard to grow her business $1 million. And this weekend, I wanted to really just bask in her energy right and observe what she's doing and what I'm doing because of course, there's a part of me that's like, Hey, why am I not a millionaire yet? Like, right? She did it. Why haven't you done it? Right? And so I didn't want to go into this and instead, what I really wanted to do is talk to her and be curious, like, what is she doing that I'm not doing or what does she know that? I don't know. And here's the good news is that there's nothing that she knows, I don't know. And in fact, I was telling her my technique that I use the embodiment technique because I was getting ready for my embodiment. Experiment and telling her all the things and she's like, Oh, no, like, what you're teaching is it like this isn't right. And but what I realized and what I observed with her is that she was just so and I say this in the right way. She's just very stubborn about what she wants. And she doesn't let anything around her or her current circumstances determined. Right? So she is just went for it and has you know, every month it goes up and up and up her business and that's just the way it is. And I noticed myself in the last like year I've had some ups and downs in my business and I was telling her about this because I wanted to get her advice and I was like telling her I was like oh I've had these ups and downs and you know, it was like, I don't want to say like even making excuses but I was just telling her why. And she's like, No, she's like, I just don't allow that. Like she's like, I just decided that this is the way it is and it just keeps going up and up and up. And that's the way it is. And I was just so fascinated. And of course, immediately there's some resistance because I wanted to like be right and be like yeah, but this is this, but then I was like wait a second. There's something to this that she's saying to me right now. And what it made me realize and myself and I've had a week to reflect a little bit of time to reflect on this before recording is that at some point in the last year, and I'm just being so vulnerable with you guys, you can learn through this. I allowed myself where I became okay to have some ups and downs my business. Now I was definitely going through some rebrands and trying to figure out the direction at one point. But what I realized is that you can decide your regarding your results regardless. And what I realized with my friend and we were talking is that she just the way she decides and then she narrates her life and she's just so hyper hyper aware about where she is in the story that she's telling every single moment and the second that she notices her brain going off or, you know, going into the past or going into the doubt she's like nope, nope, nope. And she has invested in herself and has done the work and she's worked with some of the top mindset coaches and some of the top coaches out there. And I was so curious, I'm like, hey, when you're working with this person or this person, what do you learn, right? And really, it was just I was so impressed with her level of awareness and not allowing the current circumstances or her past to determine anything. And when I look at my life, and I've gotten really good at observing and shifting, but sometimes I still allow my circumstances and especially my past. So what I realized is all of that to bring it to here Okay, so this morning, when I was doing my embodiment technique, and what I do is every morning, I sit down, and I intentionally think about the results I want to create. So right now in this month, my goal is to hit $25,000 cash in my business and also this is the goal that I'm holding in the embodiment experiment that I'm doing with 15 other women and it's really amazing. And when I sit down I feel it right I visualize it, I get in the energy of having it. But the other thing that I do every single day is I intentionally look at the doubt in any resistance that might come up and this is in the process that I teach through the embodiment technique. And I've trained myself to find like any resistance and this morning when I was like looking at all the resistance that was coming up, I realized that every any reason why I don't have that thing that I want was because of two things, either because my mind was telling me oh well you don't have it now. So you can't do this, or because of the past. It not being consistent. I wasn't able to do and this is really I think a huge part of what holds us back and what I call this right and sometimes we can look at it and think that we're in lack because we don't have it yet but the truth is, is that we're just in lag time, not less. Now, this is the first thing right? So the first thing is when we don't have when we don't have the thing that we want. And I see this all the time when people are like, Oh, well I want to see it first in order to believe it. But that's not the way the world works. We have to first believe it. And it's not a mind thing. It's actually in the body where we actually feel it. And the thing is, we have to get really really good at holding that vibration and feeling like we had it before we even see it and the human mind, right? It's so hard for us because our brain likes evidence and wants to know it wants to be known. Right so what is required of us is to actually get really good at realizing that there is a lag time. So the result of your life right now. What you have created all the manifestations in your life right now is a residual of who you've been in the past. So if you want to create something new for yourself, you have to do something different. And that requires you to show up and do different things. So who you're being right now is actually creating your future. And this really messes up our mind, right because you want it to be like this instant gratification, right where it's like, oh, I'm trying to lose weight. I ate salads for a week I should have the weight loss, right? And the same with our businesses where we like, do the things for a week or two and we think that we should have it but what this is a game of is doing it on the inside and not so that we can get the results but because it feels good to feel like we have it now. Okay, so when you can get really good at feeling like you have the thing right now and living in a world and when you look around you see what you want to see. Not what already is. And the reason why is there's just a lag time. Right? So how do we do this? I'm going to give you guys like what I actually do. So the thing that I'm always doing when I'm looking at my doubts or like when it's coming up, I'm always like, oh wait, of course it's not here yet. Like there's a little bit of lag time like it's already on its way right. And one of the things I like to think great analogy that you can do this is that we'll use Amazon for example, right like I buy double guns on Amazon all the time and Buy the gun it doesn't instantly show up at my door even though it is very fast it's like within you know 24 to 48 hours. But once I place the order, I just know it's gonna be here and there's a little bit of a lag time but I just trust and I'm so excited for that gun and I know it's gonna come it's the same things with our manifestation right if we just had the faith that once we order it once we place it that it's going to show up and we don't keep on looking for it and checking for it like I wasn't like checking my front door like is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is the hearing target looking for my emails calling them like hey, did it get lost? Like I haven't got my gun yet? No, because that's just the way it is. Anytime that I'm working on. The goal like the next level goal, or the thing or the manifestation, when it's not here yet. I'm always like, Oh yeah, that's normal. It's gonna get here at the right time. i My only job is to be in the feelings of it, having having it now and enjoying it along the way. So this is just literally a conversation I'm having in my head and reminding myself that, oh, yeah, there's a lifetime. If I want this thing that I need to continue to be in the energy of having it because what I'm doing right now is predict the future. So the more time that you're in, I think of it as like escrow like energetic escrow. So the more time that I'm putting my energy and my focus on the thing that I want, it's adding up escrow so that it must then manifest in this world. Right. So that's really the first thing that I do is I'm just constantly reminding myself the second thing that I'm doing is I'm releasing the emotions right. So when the doubt when the fear when all of that comes up. I actually feel it. I don't pretend it's not there. I look at it objectively, and I feel process it really cleanly. I actually turn up my mind, I turn off all the stories because it's the stories that are creating it. And I just purely sit in the emotion and I let it shift. And really, this is just a game that we're playing. It's a game of being called back into feeling like it's here. Now. Right and if you have been I'm guessing if you're listening to this podcast, you're into personal growth you might have been into Abraham and you might have said even know this, right that this is just, it's just a game we play this life is a game and it's really it's just about shifting in every moment. And I like to have fun with it. And and the thing is, is that nobody the game that I'm playing is that I don't ask I played I feel so good right now that don't actually need the nothing to do. And that's when life gets really good. Okay, so you don't see the evidence now. Just remind yourself that there is a lag time and be so stubborn be so committed to spending your energy and setting your thoughts in what you want. Not what you don't see. And this is just a game of being aware of really finding where your attention is. Okay. Now, the second thing that has been holding you back and that really messes up our manifestation is our past. Right, what's happened in the past. So, once again, going back to my goal that I'm working on currently right now, I have actually had maybe like three or four, maybe five, at least five or six months where I've been above 25 either $25,000 or above. I've even have had a month where I hit almost $50,000 My business okay, so, to me, I actually even have proof that this is possible. Okay, like I've actually done this. This isn't just something like I'm hoping and like, oh, maybe like I've actually done this, but what I really want to become as the person that it's just my baseline like $25,000 my business, it's just, it's I don't have to think about it. It's just what it is. And it's either that or something better and it just gets to keep on getting. That's who I am working on now. What has been predictable in the past, right? And the one thing that our brain is always we're programmed and we're programmed based off of our past and what happens and why we actually programmed is because of the emotions that are attached to the experiences that we've had. So let me give you an example. Okay, so for instance, when I first started my business, like my first 18 months, like I set a goal, like like making money and like didn't hit that goal once right and like it got close and a lot of the months of work close but now it was in the habit of not hitting my goals right now, after 18 months of this. What I expected was to not hit my goal. And what I realized is that I would just keep on going and not really fully feel the disappointment that I felt I'd be like, Oh, I'm just gonna keep on setting goals. And so what I would do is I got really good at once I didn't hit a goal and when something didn't happen, that I would acknowledge it and I would fully process like Hey, I was disappointed. And so instead of just keep on going and trying to like put another goal on top of another goal on top of another goal and then I have 18 months of proof that it's not going to happen and then feeling really discouraged. And that's like my reality. What I did is I learned to completely clear any emotions that might have been associated with not hitting that goal. So I would actually look at give myself time at the end of the month to actually feel disappointed to feel all the feelings so that when the next month would come it would feel super clean. And from there, it'd be like a blank slate. So that I wasn't actually carrying the past into the future, which then gave me the chance to create something brand new, so that I wasn't picking my goals based off of what was predictable, but I was instead able to play with what's possible or what's potential. Right and really what I want to get to you is being really $25,000 months it's just my what is expected of me and so how I'm doing this work because once again I share with you guys like this last I would say probably six months that the year has been a little bit up and down in my business. So I've had a couple of lower months. Now. The beautiful news is that who I become I actually didn't let those months for my good were the numbers were lower mean anything. And I've gotten so good at just making it very, very neutral. So every month going into it, I'm able to create something different. And that's now what I'm working with myself is being able to show myself that the past has never equals the future. Right. So really how you do this is once again looking at the emotions clearing the motions right so when something doesn't happen, that we're not associating the hitting a goal with a negative emotion now because that tends to be your norm. But instead there's a clean slate so you can create the new experience and create a new opportunity to create what you want. Right. The other thing that I would do is that once again, it's the stories that we're telling ourselves and how we're talking to ourselves at every moment that determines, so I would be like take that hat I would just say to myself, Okay, that happened. Now what? Who am I going to be right now? And this is just really me shifting my awareness that not only am I the narrator of my story, but I'm the writer of the story. So from this place of not having what I want, when I'm gonna look back in hindsight in the story, who do I want to be? How can this point be the story, the part of the story, or I'm the hero in that I get what I want instead of going back, right? So it's like I'm making it inspiring to me. I'm telling myself that I get to choose that this is not the end of the story. This is just one piece in it. How is what's the next thing that I do determines the direction that I'm going in? And this has just been so helpful to think about this as like me writing my story and specially if you are in the personal growth industry if you're a coach a healer, you're sharing of a personal plan. We're sharing our stories. You guys I remember so clearly, the day that I decided to sell vintage fur coats, because I didn't have any money. And the next week I was going actually, maybe not even the next day maybe a few days. I was getting on a plane to go meet my mentor for a week and get coached. But I had no money. I didn't even have money for Uber from the hotel, to the from the airport to the hotel. So I sold vintage fur coats to flow for that week. So I can go and like get mentored. Now, if that then I had looked at my bank account was like I have $30 Maybe, oh, I can't do this and I gave up. That would be a sad story. But now that selling vintage fur coats, so I can go see my mentor, which then led to me making multiple 1000s of dollars hundreds of 1000s of dollars is a badass story. That was part of my story right? How can you make right now where you're at her other story and empowering story so that it becomes a launching pad and not something that is holding you back? Really think about that. This is going back to like what my friend was talking about when she just decides what she wants. She narrates it so intentionally. When she sees her mind going off to something else and what's not possible. It's she automatically brings it back and because she's been doing this for years, it's just so automatic and so clean and like I said when I was with her for the weekend, I was just observing. I was so fascinated. I was so observing her and everything and I was like, Oh yeah, I see how this is. And that's really what I just want to remind you guys is that we have the power inside of us to create whatever we want through our awareness in every moment and through our emotions in that moment. Matching the thing that we want, and we are 100% in control of our awareness and you're also 100% control of how we respond to emotions right now. The emotions are coming up for us to expand. Everything is always happening for us so that we can become that person it is our job. Every time that that emotion comes. I think of it as this emotion. Is here to expand me to become this person so I can get this thing. So it really is just this game of deciding and being so hyper aware of where you are in every single moment and being able to tell the story that is already done. It is on his way, even if it's not here right now. It's like the feeling of Amazon package right of it being here. And it's it's knowing that it's on its way and that is how you manifest. That's it. I just want this to be short. I want this to be to the point. I hope that this is helpful for you. And really remember it is in every single moment. There are so many different options out there for how we can use looking at things in our power is when we are the one narrating the story from the vantage point that it is happening. And whenever we see the past right it whenever we see things that we don't want to be seen to be able to shift. And the last little thing actually that I do in essence just coming up, especially when it comes to you know the past when I'm like oh, I have all this evidence that I haven't been able to do it. Why haven't why don't I have it now. And what I remind myself is that who I am right now in this moment is different from any other moments. In fact, who I was two weeks ago, is completely different. I have so much more knowledge. And so we're just always coming from a different place. We're never in the same place twice and the past only comes up because you've given an energy and because we're thinking about it. The other reason why the past comes up is literally through our emotional coding. So when we're when we are getting political triggered or having negative emotions coming up, it's just really the universe showing us where our work is to be done. And for us to then clear that emotions what no longer is attached to the past that we can be clear resistance free and create something new for the future. So I hope this is helpful. If this was helpful, please share it. I love hanging out on social media. So come over, let me know what you think about it over on Instagram. I'm at Lauren csgo.com. And if you want to learn more about how I do this work, and more specifically, my technique, the embodiment technique. This is the work that I do with my clients and I want to run containers. I do have a couple of one on one slots open. So feel free to book a call, and we can talk more about it. And I will talk to you guys next week. Next week. I'm gonna be going deeper into emotions and be deeper going deeper into the things that are keeping you stuck so that you can create the life that you want that's even better than your mind. So can you guys love
Transcribed by https://otter.ai